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31/ May

Legal news

Public law

Monegasque Institute for Training in the Judicial Professions: new mission, composition of its Scientific Council, steering committee for the Revue de Droit Monégasque

Sovereign Order no. 10.550 of 10 May 2024 (JDM no. 8695 of 17 May 2024) amends Sovereign Order no. 8.609 of 12 April 2021 creating a Monegasque Institute for Training in the Judicial Professions (Institut monégasque de formation aux professions judiciaires, "IMFPJ"), as amended, concerning its missions and the composition of its scientific council (conseil scientifique), which constitutes the steering committee (comité de pilotage) of the monegasque law journal (revue de droit monégasque), and the fees collected.

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New mission for IMFPJ (art. 1 OS no. 8.609)

The missions of the IMFPJ are, in addition:

  • to prepare candidates enrolled at the Institute, as the case may be, for the competitive examination for admission to the judiciary provided for in number 5 of article 27 of Law no. 1.364 of 16 November 2009, as amended, referred to above, for the examination for admission to the traineeship relating to the skills and knowledge necessary for the practice of the profession of lawyer required by article 3 of Law no. 1.047 of 28 July 1982, as amended, referred to above, as well as, where applicable, for all other examinations and competitive examinations giving access to judicial professions;
  • to provide training seminars for magistrates, lawyers and avocats-défenseurs, as well as for other judicial professions;
  • to participate in the dissemination of Monegasque law through the publication, in any medium whatsoever, of legal reports and studies as well as court decisions;
  • to organise events or conferences on legal topics;


  • to organise training courses in connection with the public service of justice.

Composition of the IMFPJ Scientific Council, steering committee of the revue de droit monégasque (art. 2 and 4 OS no. 8.609)

→ The IMFPJ includes a scientific council chaired by the Secretary of State for Justice, Director of Judicial Services, now composed,

in addition to:

  • Scientific Director of the IMFPJ;
  • First President of the Court of Revision;
  • First President of the Court of Appeal;
  • President of the Court of First Instance;
  • Public Prosecutor;
  • Bâtonnier de l'Ordre des avocats-défenseurs et avocats;
  • Director of Legal Affairs;
  • two university professors or lecturers, appointed by order of the Secretary of State for Justice, Director of Judicial Services.

of (new):

  • President of the Supreme Court;
  • Justice of the Peace, President of the Labour Court;
  • Secretary General of the Judicial Services Department;
  • Representative of the Institute.

The Secretary of State for Justice, Director of Judicial Services, may from time to time add to the Scientific Advisory Board, as necessary, any qualified person involved or exercising an activity in the field of law.

→ In addition to discussing the programming of actions likely to fall within the missions entrusted to the IMFPJ, the Scientific Council also constitutes the steering committee (comité de pilotage) for the revue de droit monégasque, for which it determines the editorial line.

The Editorial Board (comité de rédaction), which is responsible for selecting, proofreading and correcting contributions, as well as for all matters relating to the material production and publication of the revue de droit monégasque, is made up of the Secretary of State for Justice, Director of Judicial Services, the Scientific Director of the IMFPJ and the Institute's Project Manager (Chargé de mission).

Fees collected by the Direction des Services Judiciaires (DSJ) on behalf of the IMFPJ (art. 5 OS no. 8.609)

The Directorate of Judicial Services (Direction des Services Judiciaires, "DSJ") provides the secretariat for the IMFPJ.

It is added that the Secretary of State for Justice, Director of Judicial Services (Secrétaire d’État à la Justice, Directeur des Services Judiciaires), sets the amount of the fees ("redevances") collected on behalf of the IMFPJ by the DSJ corresponding to the services rendered in respect of the training provided by the IMFPJ or the events or colloquia it organises or in respect of the publication of the revue de droit monégasque.

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