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IT and communication law

Personal data

17/ Dec

Legal news

IT and communication law — Personal data

Monegasque digital identity, new digital identity card and residence permit, access to online services

Seven regulatory texts implementing Articles 4, 5, 6, 8, 13, 17 and 18 of Law No. 1.483 of 17 December 2019 on digital identity were published in the Journal de Monaco No. 8544 of 25 June 2021.

With this new legal framework, which is part of the Extended Monaco programme, the Principality is rolling out digital identity with probative value for Monegasque nationals and residents, distributed and managed by the services of the State and the Mairie de Monaco, in compliance with the legislation on personal data protection.

From 28 June 2021, the digital national identity card with an electronic memory (“CARTE D’IDENTITÉ – NATIONALITÉ MONÉGASQUE”) will be issued free of charge and without any age requirement by the Mayor, upon application to the Service de l’Etat Civil – Nationalité. It should be noted that identity cards valid on 28 June 2021 remain valid until their expiry date. However, any holder of an identity card issued prior to this date may apply to renew it before its expiry date in order to obtain a new identity card with a digital identity.

The digital national identity card is at the same time an identity document, a travel document (in compliance with European and international recommendations for travel documents) and a digital authentication medium.

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Indeed, the digital identity allocated also enables the holder of the identity card, if he or she so wishes, to access service platforms and electronic administration via the MConnect Mobile application provided by the Monegasque Government.

Similarly for residents, the digital residence card with an electronic memory, issued by the Director of Public Safety, constitutes for its holder both a residence permit and a digital identity that he or she can use on the mobile application to carry out online procedures.

In addition to this digital identity (with a “high” level of guarantee) created and attributed to any natural person registered on the Monegasque nationality register, or holder of a residence permit (under the conditions set out in Sovereign Order n° 3.153 of 19th March 1964 relating to the conditions of entry and residence of foreigners in the Principality, as amended), the aim is to regulate

  • the digital identity created and attributed to any natural or legal person registered in a public service register, held for the application of a legislative or regulatory provision, the list of which is published by Sovereign Order ;
  • the digital identity that may be created and attributed to natural or legal persons by persons in the private sector.

Identification and personal data are recorded and kept in the Monegasque National Register of Digital Identities.

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