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26/ Feb

Companies and taxation — Family Office

IBA 25th International Private Client Conference

2/3 March 2020 (London)

Presented by the International Bar Assocaition • IBA Private Client Tax Committee and supported by the IBA Family Law Committee.

With the participation of Me Thomas BREZZO and Patricia KEMAYOU MENGUE.

Topics covered:

  • The endless development of disclosure: a review of DAC6 and similar systems around the world
  • Art: private passion or a private client asset?
  • Hot topics roundtable session
  • The internationally mobile athlete: on pitch, on track, on image – advising professional sporting clients
  • Breakfast roundtable session: the ethics of tax planning
  • ‘I’m a beneficiary, get me out of here!’
  • The planner’s liability – an expanding scope
  • Undisciplined clients – what to do when families make personal decisions that do not accord with their structure
  • UBO registers: the emerging monsters in our midst

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